Take Your Business, and Your Life, to the Next Level

Michael Erath
Michael Erath

Founder & Lead Guide at Next Level Growth

“It is dangerous not to evolve.” Jeff Bezos

After six fantastic years as The Traction Hub, the time to evolve has come. The Traction Hub is now Next Level Growth. Keep reading to learn what makes us different and more valuable in the world of business operating systems and coaching.

After six years as one of the most sought-after EOS® coaching firms in the Southwest, we have added more offerings and services as our team of expert coaches have gained certifications in Scaling Up Coaching and Pinnacle Business Guides in addition to our long-standing status as EOS Implementers®. This allows us to offer more tools and services to our clients on the relentless climb to reach the summit of their business mountains.

Next Level Growth is about YOU. We take time to understand you. To understand your strategy. To understand your needs as well as your dream. Only then do we begin to help you build a custom-tailored solution – a 100% solution – not to just get you started on the journey, but to equip you and guide you all the way to the summit.

With an experienced business guide on your team who is trained in the best tools from the best systems and performance platforms, your chances of success increase exponentially.

A Brief History

In 2015, after more than 20 years in the hardwood manufacturing industry where he utilized tools from Rockefeller Habits/Scaling Up, Topgrading and Traction® as well as work from thought leaders like Jim Collins, Patrick Lencioni and others, our founder Michael Erath exited his business to begin a career working as a Certified EOS Implementer®, helping other entrepreneurs on their own journeys to the summit.

Due to his unique background, he quickly reached a capacity ceiling as he became one of the most sought-after EOS Implementers® in the country and set multiple records for growth within the EOS® community. Finding it difficult and frustrating to turn away entrepreneurs because he had no room in his calendar, Michael decided to start a firm of business guides. But there was something special that he knew he had to protect as he began to grow his organization.

After speaking with several of his clients to fully understand “why” they chose to work with him, Michael realized that it was his experience as owner of a large business – $45 million and 200 employees – and a former YPO member who had actually used everything he was teaching in his own business, that was the single most important factor to his clients.

According to EOS® creator Gino Wickman, “Michael is one of our best EOS Implementers® because he has used everything he teaches. His story is a great one and he is a true class act.”

Breaking Through the Capacity Ceiling

To build a successful firm, Michael knew he had to be very exclusive with who he recruited and brought in to be part of the team. To protect that special value, he decided he would only bring in other guides who met three criteria: 

  1. They must have been an owner in a business with at least $13 million in revenue (YPO Qualifying)
  2. They must have employed at least 50 people (YPO Qualifying)
  3. They must have actually used the tools and systems they would be teaching in their business.

In 2019, Scott Elser and Chris Prenovost joined Michael and the firm was launched.

Climbing a mountain may be the ultimate metaphor for growing a business.

While most people would agree that climbing Mt. Everest without a guide would be foolish, many entrepreneurs do just that when trying to climb their business mountain. As a result, the majority of them end up stuck on the side of the mountain, or worse, they don’t survive the climb.

Others hire a coach, but most coaches are focused on a one-size-fits-all system and are only able to help them start the journey, not finish it.

A Different Path

Next Level Growth provides a different path. A path more suited for entrepreneurs who are always pushing the limits in pursuit of their dreams.

With Next Level Growth you select an expert guide who is focused on you and your specific circumstances. A guide who becomes “roped in” with you and your leadership team. A guide who has actually been in your shoes and been up the mountain many times before…who knows the challenges ahead and has studied the mountain for decades…a guide who over those years has mastered the use of the best tools from the best systems in the world and will help you create a custom-fitted solution focused on helping your team reach your summit faster and with less difficulty than any other path you could take.

Are you ready to become a category of one in the markets you serve?

If you’re ready for the journey…

If you’re willing to do what it takes…

If you’re ready to stop settling and to start making your way to the summit…

Rope in and let’s climb!

Next Steps