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The Evolution of Business Operating Systems


Operating Systems have transformed over the past century, enabling organizations to outperform competitors through structured processes.

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I Don’t Give 10s


Explore why the "I don’t give tens" mentality might be hindering your team’s performance. Learn about the SCARF Model and how

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Growing Profits and Cash Flow – The fifth of the Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations®

Entrepreneurial Freedom, Process

Learn about the fifth of the Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations® - Growing Profits & Cash Flow. Explore five practical disciplines,

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A Culture of Performance – The fourth of the Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations®

Entrepreneurial Freedom, People

Legendary college basketball coach, John Wooden, famously said we should, “Never mistake activity for achievement.” While it takes the

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Optimized Playbooks – The third of the Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations®


“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” W. Edwards Deming Where are you frustrated within your organization?

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An Inspiring Purpose – The second of the Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations®

People, Team Health, Vision

Steve Jobs once said that the most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. Great stories capture our hearts and bring inspiration.

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Great People – The first of the Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations®

People, Team Health

Learn how to unlock the potential of your A-Players and boost your organization's performance while financing their growth. Dive deep into

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Unlocking Greatness: The Five Obsessions of Elite Organizations®

Entrepreneurial Freedom, People, Process, Team Health, Vision

Explore the path from “good” to “great” in business with insights from Next Level Growth. Discover the Five Obsessions of Elite

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Clear the Fog for Better Decision Making

Entrepreneurial Freedom, Process, Vision

How often do you pay “Dumb Taxes” in your business? I just finished the Audio Book The Road Less Stupid by Keith J. Cunningham and,

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The First & Second in Command Relationship (Founder & Operations)- Building Trust

People, Process, Team Health

As a former “Second in Command/Change Agent” inside organizations working directly with, and for, CEOs, I know what it’s

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How to Create an Employee Engagement Process

People, Process, Team Health

I recently met with a CEO and, among other things, we discussed issues with engagement on the Board level of his organization. He was

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5 Tips to Cultivate a Culture of Resilience

People, Process, Team Health

There is one common trait that all successful entrepreneurs share—resilience. There are two definitions of resilience I like: “the

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Align and Measure Employee Results with Most Critical Outcome™

People, Process, Team Health

For most companies, the biggest investment they make is in human capital. As important as it is to get this substantial investment right,

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Confront the Brutal Facts to Create a Culture of Commitment

People, Process, Team Health

“Leadership does not begin with just a vision. It begins with getting people to confront the brutal facts and act on the

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The Power of the Empty Chair

Issues, People, Process

Over the past decade, the entrepreneurial world has seen a significant increase in the availability, and use of, business operating systems

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Take Your Business, and Your Life, to the Next Level

Entrepreneurial Freedom

“It is dangerous not to evolve.” Jeff Bezos After six fantastic years as The Traction Hub, the time to evolve has come. The Traction

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Start a Conversation

The American Revolution didn’t really start with the shot heard around the world. It started with a conversation about a vision for a brighter, bolder future.

If you’re ready to revolutionize your business and your future, let’s start a conversation about your vision.

  • 1048 N 44th St, Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85008